Sean Lynch

Pronouns: He/Him
Sean Lynch received his B.S. Kinesiology Physical Education degree in 2007 and puts it to good use teaching elementary P.E. for the Lemon Grove School District. Sean is involved with California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and has a continued mentorship with Dr. David Kahan in the School of ENS. Sean earned an M.S. in Kinesiology Sport
Performance from Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) in 2020. His culminating project involved exploring how to train and support classroom teachers in thoughtfully implementing exercise principles into their lessons. Sean’s passion is teaching children to find ways to include activity in many areas of life, as he does by combining recreation and socializing with exercise. Sean likes to go mountain biking with his wife and friends. He lives in Ocean Beach, CA with his wife Heidi, an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at PLNU, their six‐month‐old daughter Sierra, and their two cats.