Graduate Teaching Associateships, Graduate Assistantships, and Instructional Support Assistantships
Application for Graduate Teaching Associate, Graduate Assistant, or Instructional Support Assistant
We employ graduate students as either Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs), Graduate Assistants (GAs), or Instructional Support Assistants (ISAs).
GTAs are employed as instructors of undergraduate lab classes.
Assignments for the GA positions include laboratory preparation and research assistance. Assignments for the ISA positions include running scantrons, grading, graduate and undergraduate advising assistance, tutoring, and facilitating large classes.
To be eligible for a GTA/GA/ISA position, a student must be actively pursuing a master’s degree in Athletic Training, Exercise Physiology, Nutritional Sciences, or Food Science.
GTA/GA/ISA positions are one-semester appointments and are renewable for a maximum of four semesters (six semesters for the Concurrent MS Degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Sciences). GAs and ISAs may work up to 20 hours per week and will receive an hourly wage. GTAs are paid a salary depending on how many units they teach each semester. GTAs that teach two sections of ENS 304L or ENS 265L in a semester are also eligible to receive a partial tuition waiver.
- Email resume to the School of ENS Graduate Advising Office at [email protected].
- Click Here to complete application form
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