Thomas L. McKenzie Student Research Grant
- Must be a current student in good academic standing in the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences (ENS) at the time of the award.
- Students must be working with faculty members in the School of ENS on a study of physical activity/physical education/food behavior at the individual, community, or societal (policy) level.
- Applications for $2,000 or less in research funds will be considered.
- Funds can be used for (but are not limited to) the following: participant payment, equipment, supplies, travel related to the research being conducted, and hourly pay for the student research assistant.
- Research must be done under the School of ENS faculty supervision.
- A student can only receive this award once during their degree program.
- Funds cannot be used for faculty salary.
- Funds should not be used for research funded by other grant sources but may be used for add-on projects to funded grants. The student should play a significant role in any such projects.
- Students applying for an award and the ENS faculty member directing the research experience will complete an application collaboratively.
How to Apply
- Complete the application (see the link to the application below).
- Submit the application as one PDF document to Matthew Mahar ([email protected]) with the following subject line: Thomas L. McKenzie Student Research Grant.
- Applications will be reviewed by a review panel of research faculty in the School of ENS.
Thomas L. McKenzie Student Research Grant application file
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