100 Years of History

Welcome to the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences Centennial website. While a few Physical Training and Physical Education courses were offered as early as 1902, the Physical Education department was not formed until Jessie Rand Tanner was named department head in 1914. A similar timeline exists for Foods and Nutrition. A “Dietetics Theory and Practice Cookery” course was taught by Ada Hughes Coldwell in 1907; she became department head of Home Economics in 1914. Thus, our story begins from that point forward.
This website is not meant to be all inclusive or exhaustive of our collective histories. Had we selected that approach, the content of the website would be so dense and detailed as to be prohibitive in length. In addition, that level of detail could overpower the story we wish to tell. Thus, we highlight changes that have occurred over the past 100 years that help us “tell our story” and the significance our programs have played in the larger history of San Diego State.
We also view this website as organic. We invite readers to send their insights, topics, or artifacts that can enlighten and enhance our story. Most importantly, we hope to inspire current and future faculty members to continue to chronicle additional changes that will inevitably take place.
For those interested in detailed accounts of the history of San Diego State we recommend three texts we used as resources: The San Diego State College: The Third Regime: 1935-1952 by Walter R. Hepner (1971); San Diego State University: A History in Word and Image by Raymond Starr (1995); and most recently Hail Montezuma! The Hidden Treasures of San Diego State by Seth Mallios (2012). In addition, Ralph Grawunder has written a narrative of ENS up to 1998 (create link to Narrative History) and Ron Josephson, Margo Kasch, and Lindsay Carter have created a series of ENS history CD’s that are available for checkout from the ENS office. Each provides fascinating accounts of the stages in San Diego State’s history and do so through different lenses. This website will be divided into chronological sections. Our intent is not only to “tell our story” but document it through pictures and other documents.