Anthony A. Sucec

Headshot of Anthony A. Sucec

Pronouns: He/Him



Primary Email: [email protected]


Anthony A. Sucec has a long and distinguished association with San Diego State. He began as a student in Physical Education and received both his A.B. degree (1962) and M.A. degree (1965) in the Department. During his undergraduate studies Tony participated on the Varsity Cross Country Team and while in graduate school began working as Assistant Track Coach under legendary Head Coach Choc Sportsman.

Tony received his Ed.D. degree in Physical Education from the University of California, Berkeley in 1967 and returned to San Diego State College as Assistant Professor of Physical Education. He began as both a teacher and coach. He served as Head Coach of Cross Country and Assistant Coach of Track under Head Track Coach Dick Wells. Later, when Athletics moved out of the Physical Education Department, Tony remained in Physical Education and became a full-time teacher and researcher for over 30 years.

Dr. Sucec’s teaching areas included exercise physiology, sport and aging, and research design. His research focused on ergogenic aids, including training methods and environmental effects on athletic performance, especially on endurance performance. Tony authored or co-authored refereed articles in Research Quarterly, U.S. Track Coaches Quarterly Review, Journal of the Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation, and Journal of Applied Physiology. He published many refereed articles in proceedings and refereed abstracts of presentations given at professional scientific conferences. In 1996, Tony served as Special Assistant Editor of Coaching Science Abstracts for an issue focused on “Altitude Training” for sport and exercise. Tony was mentor and thesis advisor to numerous graduate students in Physical Education (M.A.) and Exercise Physiology (M.S.) and involved them in professional development activities such as presentations at professional conferences.

Over the years Tony served on many campus committees, including the SDSU Faculty Senate, University Committee for Campus Development, Protection of Human Subjects Committee, Library Committee, the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts Personnel Committee, and the Physical Education (later Exercise & Nutritional Sciences) Scholarship Committee.

Tony was promoted to the rank of Professor during his productive career. He retired as Emeritus Professor of Exercise & Nutritional Sciences in 2001. Tony and his wife Sandra live in Coronado, CA.