Ronald Josephson

Headshot of Ronald Josephson

Pronouns: He/Him



Primary Email: [email protected]


Dr. Ronald V. Josephson graduated from State College High School in 1960 and Penn State (B.S. degree in Agricultural Science and Industry) in 1964. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota. From 1970 to 1975 Ron served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at Ohio State University.

In 1975, Ron joined the San Diego State University (SDSU) faculty in Family Studies & Consumer Sciences (FSCS) as Associate Professor and was later promoted to the rank of Professor. He was the author and co-author of over 30 refereed journal research articles. His research focused on cow’s milk and dairy foods, human milk, fish and shellfish, soy proteins, and medical foods. He was thesis advisor to graduate students, who co-authored articles with him. He was the principal investigator on grants/contracts from the National Science Foundation, Sea Grant College Program, National Fisheries Institute, U.S. Natick Research and Development Command, and industry. Ron was active in professional organizations as member and chair of committees for the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA). He served on the Editorial Board of CRC Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition and was President of the San Diego Chapter of Sigma Xi, the research honorary society.

His teaching included courses in food science, food and sensory analysis, food production, food proteins and graduate seminar. He served in various administrative and service capacities at SDSU (Acting FSCS Director, Coordinator of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Graduate & Undergraduate Advisor, Student Nutrition Organization Advisor, and Academic Senator). As Coordinator, Ron worked with colleagues to negotiate the successful merger of Food and Nutritional Sciences programs with the Department of Physical Education in 1993-94 to what is now the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences (ENS). He retired from SDSU in 2001 as Emeritus Professor of ENS.

Ron was a recipient of awards as Exemplary Academic Advisor and Alumni and Associates Distinguished Faculty. He received an Outstanding Alumni Award from Penn State in 2006. Ron’s wife Judith and two daughters Kirsten & Erika are all teachers. Judith is a children’s book author and taught for many years in the College of Extended Studies at SDSU. To give back, they set up two endowments, one to support student clubs in ENS and the other to support children’s literature at the SDSU Library. Ron was one of the emeritus faculty who served as historians in compiling the 100+ year history of ENS at SDSU. Ron and Judith live in Encinitas, CA.