Roger Simmons

Pronouns: He/Him
Primary Email: [email protected]
Dr. Roger Simmons is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Exercise & Nutritional Sciences having retired in 2016. Dr. Simmons completed his teaching credential at Dudley College of Education, England, and taught Physical Education in English public schools before completing his Master’s degree at the University of Wyoming and doctorate at the University of Iowa, specializing in motor learning and motor control. After completing his doctoral studies he taught at Montclair State University for two years before joining the Department of Physical Education at San Diego State University in 1976.
While at SDSU, Dr. Simmons’ primary teaching responsibilities were motor learning/motor control, growth and development, and research methods. In addition to serving in a leadership capacity on several key committees at the department, college, and university levels, he was Interim Director of the School of Exercise & Nutritional Sciences for the 2015-2016 academic year. Dr. Simmons received several awards for teaching and service related activities including the Aztec Achievement Award for Outstanding Professor and the SDSU Alumni Association ‘Monty’’ Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions 2012.
During his career, Dr. Simmons published over 55 research articles in peer-reviewed, scientific journals and presented at numerous international professional conferences. In collaboration with colleagues at the Center of Behavioral Teratology and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, his research focused primarily on motor control dysfunction in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This research program was supported by two grants totaling $823,000 awarded by the National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse, National Institutes of Health.