Kasch-Boyer Endowed Scholarship in Exercise & Nutritional Sciences
This endowed scholarship was developed to honor Dr. Frederick W. Kasch, Professor Emeritus of the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences and Dr. John L. Boyer, former Medical Director of both the Exercise Physiology Laboratory and the Adult Fitness Program at San Diego State University. Dr. Kasch was a faculty member from 1948 to 1981. Drs. Kasch and Boyer were mavericks who challenged conventional wisdom and were at the forefront of changing the face of health, fitness and exercise science. In the early 1950s, Dr. Kasch developed the exercise physiology laboratory at San Diego State University that now bears his name. He also established the world- renowned Adult Fitness Program (AFP). Later Dr. Kasch met and teamed up with Dr. Boyer and together they became one of the first exercise physiologist-physician teams in the country. Dr. Boyer was traditionally trained in internal medicine and clinical cardiology, but rather than conforming to the decades-old prescription of limited activity for patients with heart disease, he recommended that patients incorporate exercise in their rehabilitation. Dr. Boyer’s medical expertise enhanced AFP’s credibility and enabled the program to establish the Adult Fitness-Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. It was the first in San Diego and one of the first university-organized cardiac rehabilitation programs in the country.

In 1999, working through San Diego State University’s College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, a consortium of former colleagues, Adult Fitness Program participants and students established the Frederick W. Kasch Endowment for Graduate Students in Exercise Science. The Dr. John L. Boyer Endowment for the Specialized Education of Graduate Students with an Interest in Health and Wellness was created in 2008 with founding gifts from members of Dr.
Kasch’s family, thus fulfilling Dr. Kasch’s wish posthumously to honor his dear friend and colleague. Because both the Kasch Endowment and the Boyer Endowment were similar in spirit, focus and purpose, the two endowments were merged in 2012 for simplification and practicality.
The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage and support research and academic growth of Graduate students in the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University,
- The Kasch-Boyer Memorial Scholarship value will be determined by the scholarship committee.
- Must have completed at least 6 ENS graduate units at San Diego State University with a minimum graduate GPA of 3.50.
- Scholarships granted and amount given vary each year.
- Open to graduate students.
- Graduate students are NOT required to be enrolled full-time.
- Must be a continuing SDSU student and must have completed at least six graduate level units.
- Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to their field of study through research, community projects, internships and other volunteer experiences related to Exercise and Nutritional Sciences.
- Each of the four categories of awards prioritized below requires the scholarship applicant to submit a narrative of up to 1,000 words describing commitment to the field of study through past research, internship, community, and volunteer projects, and/or observational experiences related to professional development.
- Also, each application must provide an itemized budget clearly describing how the funds will be used.
- Graduate research scholarship applicants must submit an abstract of their research project limited to no more than 500 words, in addition to the 1,000 word essay for the scholarship. The awards cover up to 50% of direct research expenses, such as lab supplies, special equipment or its repair, medical supervision. No personal or travel expenses are supported.
- Graduate tuition fee scholarship has a value of up to 50% of the standard graduate in- state basic tuition and fees, or 50% of actual out-of-pocket in-state graduate tuition fees. Published (online) schedule of fees is used for the award amount. Items not eligible for support include books, room and board, and miscellaneous expenses.
- Professional meeting attendance award has a value of up to 50% of eligible professional expenses and out-of-town travel expenses. Qualified items include travel, hotel accommodations, registration fees, ground transportation to/from the hotel, and presentation materials if the applicant is presenting research. Only the most economical or practical mode of travel will be considered. The university- approved mileage rate will determine reimbursement for personal vehicle use.
Items not supported include meals, car rental, and incidental costs.
- Study or research at another university must be related to a Master’s Degree in ENS at SDSU and has a value of up to $1,000 for travel and/or housing accommodation expenses.
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