Meet Your Advisor!

The School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences has two undergraduate academic advisors who assist students majoring in Kinesiology and Foods and Nutrition.

Appointment Availability: The advisors have staggered appointment availability and modalities throughout the week to cater to the diverse needs of students.

Booking Appointments: To schedule an advising appointment, students must log into SDSU Navigate and locate available 20-minute appointment slots with a major advisor.

Appointment Preparation: When booking an appointment, students are encouraged to provide specific questions or topics they wish to discuss during the meeting. This helps advisors better prepare for the session. (ex: I was not able to take Human Anatomy this semester because the lecture conflicted with my work schedule. I would like to discuss how this may impact my progression in the major and explore opportunities to take this class over the summer session.)

Degree Evaluation: Before the advising appointment, students should thoroughly review their Degree Evaluation that can be accessed in my.SDSU. This document outlines their academic progress and degree requirements. It’s important for students to check their degree evaluation each semester for discrepancies, identifying missing graduation requirements, and researching course options to satisfy remaining requirements for the degree.

Maximizing Productivity: Coming prepared with questions and concerns can maximize the productivity of the 20-minute advising appointment, ensuring that students get the information and guidance they need.

It’s important for students to take advantage of these advising services to make informed decisions about their academic path and ensure they meet their degree requirements.

Curriculum – Preparation for the Major

Advising Questions?

Email your ENS Advisors at [email protected]

*Please note, there will be no scheduled appointments or OFFICE HOURS during holidays, spring break, winter break, and/or summer break. Questions during these times will be addressed via email only, so please, plan accordingly

By appointment only.