Surabhi Bhutani

Headshot of Surabhi Bhutani

Pronouns: She/Her
Associate Professor



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-4094


Exercise and Nutritional Science - 307


Website Links

Areas of Specialization

Research Interests

My research broadly aims to prevent obesity and related health conditions by promoting healthy eating behaviors through targeted modifications of the behavioral and chemosensory environment. Within this broad objective, my research is currently concentrated in two key areas. Firstly, I seek to understand the influence of individual-level factors (such as, sleep patterns, food cue exposure in the modern food environment, pre-existing diseases etc.) on our sense of smell/taste. By investigating these factors, my research aims to uncover valuable insights into the relationship between these influences and the development of unhealthy dietary patterns (e.g., selection of calorie-dense foods or large portion sizes). Secondly, I aim to identify how these contextual factors may be targeted and shaped using novel odor-based strategies to promote healthier eating behaviors, prevent obesity, and improve well-being in humans.

During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 surge, I initiated a new line of research on chemosensory loss and recovery following infection with SARS-CoV-2. I hold a leadership position on the Global Consortium for Chemosensory Research. Through this role, I am actively spearheading initiatives to elevate the importance of smell and taste on a global platform. By bringing together experts in the field, we aim to advance the understanding of chemosensory research and its implications for promoting healthy eating habits worldwide.

Areas of Specialization: Ingestive Behavior, Smell, Taste, Energy Balance, Obesity, Sleep, Diet Interventions


Professional Affiliation

  • The Global Consortium of Chemosensory Research (GCCR) – Leadership Committee Member
  • BMC Nutrition Journal – Associate Editor
  • The Obesity Society – Member
  • The American Society for Nutrition – Member
  • Association for Chemoreception Sciences – Member
  • Cognitive Neuroscience Society – Member

Teaching Responsibilities

  • NUTR 304- Nutrition Throughout the Life Span
  • NUTR 511- Nutrition Education and Counseling
  • NUTR 610- Nutrition and Energy

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